Why have an Energy Altar in your Home?

My name is Emma Loveheart and as a Home Healer, I work on energy in homes.

Obviously my remit is to improve energy where clients are experiencing a problem, but there is also an opportunity to work on creating a desired energy.

This is where the energy altar can play a part.

What is an Energy Alter?

An altar can be whatever you want it to be, but it is a statement of objects, colours, smells, textures that mean something to you. It is usually best placed in a central point in your home as well where you can see it, so on display.

Everyone has a heart space in their home; usually a central place. For some this could be the hearth of a fireplace for example. Others it could be the kitchen/dining area. It will not necessarily be directly in the middle of the home, but a place where family members tend to congregate, or you spend most of your time.

How do you create an Energy Alter?

You firstly need to determine what you would like to achieve from your altar. What feelings and emotions would you like it to bring into your home? For some it could be calm and peace, others it might be joy and laughter. There is no right or wrong. You can use any objects or images that reflect your desired outcome.

Step 1:  Set up a base. You can use any type of material. Fabric may be easier or use coloured card. Fabric can be folded or cut to size, and card can be cut easily and even shaped. Choose a colour, or pattern of colours, that represent the emotions you wish to create. Here you can use your intuition. Vibrant colours such as orange and yellow create warmth, where white creates the feeling of calm. You can use greens and blues to bring the stability and balance of nature into the home. Have some fun and let your creative juices flow!

Step 2: Gather objects that represent the feelings you would like. I tend to go round my home and pick up objects that catch my eye. I make a point of only having things in my home that make me feel good, even if they don’t really make sense to a colour scheme or design. If I like them, they are on display! So I enjoy collecting items to bring them to a prominent place on my altar. You can also collect objects from outside such as feathers, stones, pebbles, and sticks. Nature can provide many things if you use your imagination.

Step 3: Place your base where you have decided your altar will be. Arrange your items however you wish on the base. Your altar can be a bold statement and take up a reasonable amount of space or it can be smaller and more symbolic. Your altar can change over time as well. You can either swap some items round or start afresh. A way to activate your altar is to have a candle in the centre. It could just be a tea light on it’s own, or you can have a coloured candle, or have it on a special dish. There are many options.

What are the benefits of an Energy Altar?

Altars are a great opportunity to use your imagination, follow your intuition and create a desired energy within your home. They can help you connect to your home and surroundings by focussing attention on a particular topic.

One of my altars in the picture below is one of balance and abundance. I wanted to manifest more abundance in my life but also to allow it to happen in a balanced way. I have a gold base and coins for wealth abundance, and then mixed feathers and calm colours for balance, as well as lavender for calm. It feels good for me and I have it on the mantelpiece which is in the middle of my main living space.

You can use altars for any energy you wish to create in your life when you feel the need. By setting the intention of energy, you are reaching out for that energy to come into your life. Working with your home is a very effective way to bring about change in your personal life, since your home is a reflection of you, and you are a reflection of your home.

How can I help?

I work with creating altars for clients and some examples are on my Instagram account. Check out my photo wall on @emmaloveheart1 if you are looking for some inspiration.

If, however, you have some energy in your home that you would like to see the back of, then a home healing to clear negative energies may be required. Feel free to request a free assessment Contact – Into the Light (homehealer.co.uk)