Love isn’t just for Valentines Day

My name is Emma Loveheart and I am a Home Healer specialising in clearing negative energies from homes. I work intuitively to increase positive vibes in a home and this comes from a loving place within me to be able to do this.

As Valentines Day fast approaches, we see the marketing of red hearts and tributes to love filling our shops and email inboxes, but love isn’t just for Valentines Day, and is something we actually ALL work with daily.

Where is love in our daily life?

  • Love what You Do

Whatever your vocation there will be something about your work that you will love. We have all been given skills and abilities and these will draw us to a line of work. Whether it is helping someone else, being creative in some way, contributing to a team or being a leader, there is an element of what you do that is fulfilling to you and something you are good at. I started my career in Human Resources and then moved into healing. Although very different professions they both work closely with people which has always been very rewarding for me.

  • Self Love

Whether you realise it or not, there will activities in the day where you show yourself love. It could be as simple as making yourself a cup of tea, allowing yourself some time to read, listen to music, making a healthy meal or taking a nap. We naturally look after ourselves and are best at it because we know what we want! As a real treat to yourself, try a ‘self-healing day’. Plan a day just for you to have time for yourself. It could include a pamper, a long walk, or just be a duvet day. Enjoy.

  • Showing Others Love

Every time you smile at another person, you are spreading the love! It is wonderful to see people smile: faces can literally light up with a smile. Thanking another driver for giving way to you is a lovely gesture, holding the door open for another is helpful, and saying thank you is warming for both parties. It doesn’t take much and you do all this daily without thinking about it.

Of course, giving gifts and sharing messages on Valentines Day is a wonderful way to celebrate love with those closet to you and not to be dismissed.

  • Loving a Pet

One of the many gifts a pet can offer is giving unconditional love. It is heart-warming every time I walk back into my living room to have my dog greet me with as much excitement as if she hasn’t seen me for weeks. Pets don’t hold grudges and can offer comfort in times of need. They so enjoy being loved and lap up the attention, so what better way to share tender moments than with your pet.

  • Loving Nature

Our natural world has so much to offer us and yet sometimes we can take it all for granted. Caring for our environment has received heightened media attention of late, deservedly so, and anything we can do to protect the natural habitat is a good thing. I am lucky enough to have many lovely countryside walks near me which I enjoy daily on my dog walks. I am grateful for these rambling footpaths criss crossing the woods and fields, and enjoy the seasonal changes of temperature, wlldlife and the myriad of native plants. In return I collect any rubbish I find as I walk. It’s only a small gesture but is one of the ways I feel I can give back to nature.

  • Love in Our Homes

What better place to create love than in your own home. This is the very place where you can surround yourself with loving things. Firstly making your home space safe and rejuvenating is a gift to yourself and those you live with. Having objects, including photographs, around you that bring joy lifts you every time you look at them. There may be objects that carry happy memories too. Using colour or furniture that evoke emotions such as peace or fun will make you feel good. Be aware of clutter though. Clutter is the destroyer of positive energy flow and will cause an element of stress, so keep the home free of items that you do not love or use.

Should you however feel there is some negative energy in your home that causes tension or discomfort then please do get in touch for a free assessment of the energy.

Happy raising the energy of Love!