Entries by Emma Loveheart

Protecting Yourself

Protecting Yourself This is often a question I get asked: ‘If I am surrounded by all this negative energy, how do I protect myself?’ It is a question that has come up many times in my spiritual learning and one I have realised is different for different people. Before I had my premonition and sudden […]

What is Wisdom?

I joined Conscious Café in London recently where the topic of discussion was wisdom. It was kindly hosted in someone’s home and about 20 of us sat around in a large circle on a mixture of deep cushioned sofa’s and  upright hard chairs. There was a mix of backgrounds in the group. Someone from Italy, […]

Clients Reaction to Clearing

One of the areas of fascination about my energy clearing work is how different people react to the changes. Unanimously though, everyone agrees that there is a calmness in the home, and relationships within the home are more harmonious after clearing has taken place. There are 3 distinct stages to the clearing work that I […]

Raising the Vibration of Love Conference November 2016

Things come in to and out of our lives all the time. Things like people; strangers or friends. Things like moments, events or experiences. You never know what new things are coming your way, although you do make conscious choices to act and allow these things to come into your life. Sometimes these things can […]

Clearing radon gas

  The final stage of the clearing work that I do, involves clearing ‘other’ stresses that affect a property. So having cleared the psychic stresses, I then clear earth and geopathic stresses, and finally look at any remaining ‘other’ stresses. I look at electromagnetic stresses from masts and wifi, and alter these energies to be […]

Do I need to be on site to work?

Do I need to be on site? I do all my negative energy clearing work from a distance. I access universal energy and then direct this to where I need it to go, and tell it what I need it to do. All I ask for from clients is the home address, to make sure […]

Could your home be happier?

Your home should be your sanctuary, your safe place. It should be the space where you can relax and be yourself. A place where you can rest and rejuvenate.  It is the place where you feel nourished both inside and out; a place where you nurture yourself. How many of us do not have this […]

Living with a poltergeist

When Leanne moved into The Old Mine House, it had been rented out for several years as a holiday let and had not been very well maintained, so it was no surprise that it didn’t feel like home. However, there was one side of the house where there was a hall and stairs that really […]

Psychic energy influencing a family member

  Mark is a Nutritional Therapist.. He has a scientific mind, but is also open to alternatives when it comes to health and wellbeing. Mark was not aware of any strange goings on in his house. It had been his Grandmother’s house and he felt it was an incredibly productive and happy house which he […]

How Home Healing affected this family

Karen was always aware of some sort of presence in the house. She felt it in the kitchen and the sitting room, but when she turned round there was nothing ever there! It made her feel a bit uncomfortable, but she never felt spooked if she was on her own in the house. One of […]