Entries by Emma Loveheart

2 Year Old Scared Stiff of ‘Man’ in Bedroom

Background: A family reached out in distress because their two-year-old son, one of a twin sharing a room, was petrified of a ghostly man he claimed to see in his room. His fear left him inconsolable, creating an atmosphere of tension and anxiety within the household. The parents were desperate for help, seeking peace for […]

Why do some People sense Energies but Others Don’t?

My name is Emma Loveheart and I am a Home Healer. I work on clearing unwanted energies from peoples homes, as well as any negative energy people themselves can sometimes carry around with them. But how is it that some people are aware of this energy whilst others are blissfully unaware? I often have clients […]

Love isn’t just for Valentines Day

My name is Emma Loveheart and I am a Home Healer specialising in clearing negative energies from homes. I work intuitively to increase positive vibes in a home and this comes from a loving place within me to be able to do this. As Valentines Day fast approaches, we see the marketing of red hearts […]

Child with Nightmares

Sandie came to me as her son was having continued nightmares and she was desperate for some help to stop them but didn’t know where that help might come from. I offered to do a free assessment on her house. I found overall vitality to be only 11%, so immediately knew there was work I […]

Top 5 Tips to Lifting Your Energy

Our homes are a reflection of us, so one way to achieve positive and restorative energy in our homes is by raising our own energy. In this article I will share five quick and easy tips of things you can do to lift your own personal energy. My name is Emma Loveheart and I am […]

My Dowsing Journey

I remember the time I first picked up a pendulum and asked for a yes and it started swinging clockwise without me moving. Needless to say I was amazed. All I could think of was how much I wished I had known about this before and all those questions I could have asked. As well […]

Using Oracle Cards

 My name is Emma Loveheart and I am a Home Healer. I specialise in working with universal energy to help others work more harmoniously in life, and the home has a big impact on how we can achieve that. I use many methods for spiritual guidance to help me heal the energy of homes and […]

Overwhelming Sadness & the Ringing Doorbell

The client had lived in their listed house for 3 years in the old town of a desirable city in the East of England. It was accessed via a cobbled narrow street, and the buildings dated back to the 18th century. However, despite working hard to make improvements to the feel of the house since […]

Why have an Energy Altar in your Home?

My name is Emma Loveheart and as a Home Healer, I work on energy in homes. Obviously my remit is to improve energy where clients are experiencing a problem, but there is also an opportunity to work on creating a desired energy. This is where the energy altar can play a part. What is an […]

Is your Dog Barking Mad?

My name is Emma Loveheart and I am a home healer working with spiritual energy. I work to clear unwanted energies in homes but am not the only one who can sense or feel spirit beings. If you are a dog owner, you may have experienced your dog behaving strangely at times, as if they […]