Entries by Emma Loveheart

Daily Mail – Spooky Drawings on the Wall

Spooky drawings on the wall, vanishing earrings, and a mysterious knocking at the front door: How CLAUDIA CONNELL turned to a ‘home healer’ to sort out her haunted house When Claudia Connell moved house she was terrified by unexplained eventsShe lived in the house for two months when possessions started to go missingHome healer Emma […]

Is it all Woo Woo?

My name is Emma Loveheart and the more I speak about spirituality and  the universe, and how much it impacts our lives whether we like it or not,  I sometimes get the reaction, ‘are you talking about all that woo woo stuff?’ IS IT SCARY? First and foremost there is quite often a fear. If […]

3rd, 4th or 5th Dimension

Where are you on your dimensional and spiritual journey? My name is Emma Loveheart and I work with energy, specifically with clearing negative energy in homes. I started my spiritual journey in 2011 when I had a premonition about my eldest daughter having an accident. The closer I got to the event where I saw […]

Past, Present, Future Self.

Past, Present, Future Self My name is Emma Loveheart, and my spiritual journey, (and we are all on one whatever your beliefs), is definitely one of discovery. Waking up today, I realised that I have three main blocks in my life. My past me, my present me and my future me. There is much well […]

Working Intuitively with Life

My name is Emma Loveheart and I work with energy on people and their homes to ensure there is no negative energy around to cause discomfort or disharmony. Naturally, as someone in the healing profession, personal life and challenges can often weave their way through my work and the theme for me at the moment […]

Clearing Office Space

  Helen got in touch with me initially to clear her house as had never felt really connected to the house and had issues with smelly drains and rats. I found discarnates in the sewer system and cleared the negativity. Add this to clearing earth stresses, the house felt a lot better for everyone and […]

Clearing Psychic Attack Results

This month has seen me honouring my offer to clear people of psychic attack or unwanted energies and what fun we’ve had! One of the highlights has been helping a young boy with autism who was having sudden attacks of anger and which were becoming more frequent. When I connected with his energy, I could […]

How Can You Heal Remotely?

“Don’t you need to come to my house to clear the negative energy?’ is a question I sometimes get asked. It is a good question. My name is Emma Loveheart and I heal homes from a distance (wherever I happen to be actually, I just need quiet and to not be disturbed) and I can […]

Global Women Article

‘Why it is so important to find your unique niche in the marketplace’ By Fati Gorezi Emma Loveheart is a Radio Show Host and International Speaker based in the UK. She works on improving energy in properties all over the world through her business “Into the Light”. She offers a unique, specialised and exclusive healing […]

Unhappiness in a New Home

In this case, Danielle got in touch because the house she had been living in for 6 months was dragging her and her husband down. There was a lot of tension in the house. She was aware the previous owners had been unhappy there and felt that the energy wasn’t right in the house My […]