2 Year Old Scared Stiff of ‘Man’ in Bedroom
A family reached out in distress because their two-year-old son, one of a twin sharing a room, was petrified of a ghostly man he claimed to see in his room. His fear left him inconsolable, creating an atmosphere of tension and anxiety within the household. The parents were desperate for help, seeking peace for their son and harmony for their family.
The Spiritual Discovery:
Upon connecting with the energy of the house, the home healer immediately sensed the presence of a male spirit. He appeared as a zombie-like figure, deeply unsettled and looking for retribution. The spirit was intuitively identified as a man who had been tragically killed on the waste site where the housing estate now stood. The spirit was filled with unresolved emotions, wanting to be heard and for justice to be served. The young boy, with his innate sensitivity, was the only one who could perceive him.
Healing Process:
The healing process involved connecting directly with the distressed spirit. It was discovered that the man had been run over by a large truck, the driver oblivious to the accident. The spirit harbored a deep desire for the driver to be punished for what he perceived as negligence. To facilitate the spirit’s release, the healer energetically rewrote the ending of his life, creating a healing narrative where a friend pulled the man out of harm’s way, preventing the tragic accident. This compassionate act of rewriting his story provided the closure the spirit needed, allowing him to move peacefully into the light.
Remarkably, after this healing, the family discovered a newspaper article that detailed the exact circumstances described during the session, confirming the spirit’s identity and the tragic event.
- Emotional Relief: The child experienced no further encounters with the spirit, and his fear subsided completely.
- Spiritual Sign: Shortly after the clearing, the child saw a spiritual bird in his room, a comforting sign believed to be the spirit’s way of saying thank you.
- Enhanced Atmosphere: The parents noticed a significant shift in the home’s energy, describing it as brighter and filled with an unusual sense of sunlight, despite no physical changes.
Client Testimonial:
“All good here – the house and energy feel great at the moment. Our son has had no more incidents, which is fab. The house feels like it has so much more sunlight in, which I don’t know if that’s even a thing. Thanks so much!”
This case illustrates the unique ability to connect with and heal unresolved spiritual energies, restoring peace and harmony to homes. The transformation in this household stands as a testament to the profound impact of spiritual healing on both the seen and unseen worlds.