Doesn’t Feel like Home after 14 Years

Doesn’t feel like home after 14 years

Annabelle came to me after hearing about the work I do from a friend of hers.

She was very intrigued to see if I could make a difference having not known there was anything she could do in relation to the energy in her house. Her friend had had such good results, she wanted to give it a go.

The house was a large 7 bedroom house with a separate guest house and a converted barn doubling up as an office and stables. There were meadows and paddocks surrounding the house.

The vitality was very low, with a reading of 2%. I immediately got psychic activity present, especially around the barn.

On connecting with the main house, I discovered a curse on some previous occupants effecting the house and the land. A curse will always bring bad luck and make life difficult. I lifted the curse and then looked for anything else. I found one end of the barn to be very dark in energy. I was shown a scene with 3 witches working with black magic. It looked like about 150 years ago. They were having fun but causing a lot of damage and their energy was not good. I found out from Annabelle that the barn buildings were over 150 years old and so it was quite feasible that witches had been there. I was able to move them on, although reluctantly, and this transformed the energy of the barn. I heard the horses were more settled in the stables and that this was an area of the office that previously hadn’t been used.

The next stage of clearing the negative energy blocks and earth stresses was straightforward but with huge uplifting results. The family were much more at ease and the atmosphere felt very different.

Annabelle was very happy that she had gone ahead with the clearing.

Clearing During an Emotional Separation

Clearing during an Emotional Separation

Emma lived with her husband and 2 young children but had been unhappy in her marriage for some years. She had reached the point where she wanted to separate but there was a lot of anger from her husband, causing stress within the family.

She asked me to do an assessment and I found average geopathic stress with 7 negative energy blocks, broken ley lines, psychic stresses present and an overall vitality reading of 34%.

Although her husband had now moved out, I included him with psychic clearing as well as Emma and her children. He had lots of negativity attached to him and also a portal. This would have been allowing spiritual traffic to pass through him continuously. I hoped the clearing would free him a bit and allow everyone to feel easier around him.

The psychic activity in the home was negative energetic patterns and negative energy imprints. These could have been caused by the stress of the relationship or been left over from previous inhabitants and certainly wouldn’t have been helping the stress levels in the house. As I started clearing the psychic stresses and sending in positive light and energy I really got a sense of the house welcoming the light and love. This is something I hadn’t experienced before, but was nice to ‘feel’ a house.

As I continued the clearing by working on the negative blocks, Emma got in touch with me. She had felt a huge wave of emotion over the week and finally separating from her husband after what had been a mess for nearly 3 years, coupled with the actuality of things moving forward, totally knocked Emma in a way she had never expected. She had fears of being alone which she had not realised and was having fearful dreams.

As I was still working on the blocks, and I checked all psychic activity was clear, I decided to pull an angel card for her to see if I could help with what she was experiencing.  It was from the Goddess Guidance Oracle and was White Tara, who was all about sensitivity. It said; ‘You are becoming increasingly sensitive. Avoid harsh relationships, environments, situations and chemicals’. Emma immediately acknowledged this card and confirmed she had been feeling very emotional and extremely sensitive. She was struggling with having to let go of the marriage after all the stress of the last 3 years and nothing moving forward.

As I carried on with the clearing, Emma reported that things were feeling a lot less intense in the house and less overwhelming which was a relief to her.

When I finished, Emma acknowledged that the energy clearing was definitely needed!

Clearing an Office that wouldn’t Rent

Clearing an office that wouldn’t rent.

This was a fascinating project as there was so much going on.

The building itself was a 2 floor office building taking up one corner or quarter of the total building space. The business client who contacted me used the ground floor for their business but was unable to rent the top floor despite it being a good office space.

In addition, they had also had problems with staff turnover in their business, usually down to illness. The owner themselves was experiencing some health challenges and the series of bad luck was becoming more of an issue.

The other interesting fact was that the business in the adjacent corner of the building was about to close down and this was the 3rd business in that office space to have gone into liquidation in the previous 10 years. It suggested to me some psychic activity.

There was high geo-pathic stress and I sensed underground water, which I later discovered was caused by a nearby stream.

The building itself was one of about 10 buildings on a site that was a farm. At one end there were converted barns and through dowsing I discovered that where this office was, had once been a church or farmhouse.

Nothing untoward came up initially. I cleared psychic activity but there was nothing dark and then I worked through the blocks. It was slow progress but we got to the end and I contacted the client. They admitted they didn’t feel a lot of change. This I didn’t understand as clearing the earth stresses should have released a lot of tension and draining energy.

I reconnected with the psychic energy, as it is common for this to hide in the negative blocks and it is only when the blocks are cleared, that real psychic activity is revealed. This was exactly the case on this site.

I discovered a church had burnt down on that site and in the fire, many people had become trapped in the building and headed up the tower to escape the flames. They had all perished in the heat and smoke but this explained why the really bad energy was upstairs in the top office as this was where the spirits were stuck. It took some time to move them on, but eventually it was cleared.

I now need to wait and hear that the office is rented!

Clearing a House with Bad Luck


Clearing a House with Bad Luck

This client got in touch with me to look at their parents house. The parents had always experienced bad luck and because the client had had their own house cleared and felt the results, they asked if I could do anything with the parents house.

On conducting an assessment, I found there initially to be very high geopathic stress. There was a total of 10 negative energy blocks which is high for an average size house, plus there were blocked ley lines running across the property. I thought this would be the contributing factor to the very low 2% vitality reading I got for the house.  There was psychic stress present too, but nothing that I picked up to be sinister.

It wasn’t until I started the work that I discovered the curse. I always clear any psychic negativity first before I work on the earth stresses, as psychic activity can cause havoc and likes to be present in negative earth energy. I had found some of the usual stresses such as negative energy patterns, and negative thought forms, but the curse was a surprise.

Using dowsing, I discovered it was a wooden ornament that hung on a wall. It had been bought in this country and had been cursed by gypsy’s. When something is cursed, it is the opposite to healing and is therefore intended to bring bad luck. I was sure this was the reason for the parent’s continued bad luck. I was able to clear it using a ceremony and intent to reverse the energy. Curses are set using ceremony and intent, so I use the same method to reverse it.

I then went on to clear the geopathic stress and later found out that their lives had changed. There was a completely different atmosphere in the house and that life had settled down. Life had become more positive.

Living with a poltergeist

When Leanne moved into The Old Mine House, it had been rented out for several years as a holiday let and had not been very well maintained, so it was no surprise that it didn’t feel like home.

However, there was one side of the house where there was a hall and stairs that really had bad energy, to the point that Leanne’s Mum didn’t like going through the hall and always kept the door closed, even though it was access to upstairs. It felt damp, cold and dark. In an attempt to change the mood, they painted the walls white and in a picture taken at the time you can see loads of orbs in the area.

One time Leanne’s husband and teenage daughter were having an argument in the hall when a picture literally flew off the wall where they were standing and round a corner towards them. It was impossible that it simply fell, it had been propelled by something.

When I commenced the healing, I found some very strong psychic presence there. After clearing this, everyone noticed an immediate difference. The door is now kept open and a flow has been created. In a further picture taken there are no orbs and it is much lighter.

The house and land were cleared of geopathic stress and there was a lot due to the mining and history of the site. The clearing has cleared the way for decorating to be done and one of the children has said she feels safer in the house and moved her room round and feels a lot happier even though she was unaware of the clearing taking place.


Psychic energy influencing a family member


Mark is a Nutritional Therapist.. He has a scientific mind, but is also open to alternatives when it comes to health and wellbeing.

Mark was not aware of any strange goings on in his house. It had been his Grandmother’s house and he felt it was an incredibly productive and happy house which he had extended and made into a fabulous family home for his wife and 2 daughters.

He only knew that his youngest daughter had been a challenge to the family with challenging behaviour since she was a child, but which they managed with love and support and were always looking for ways to help her.

When I conducted my clearing of the house, I found a lot of psychic activity going on, but particularly around this one daughter. I was able to clear the dark energy, but was aware that this daughter had been carrying this energy for some time and moving it would have an effect on her. So I emailed Mark explaining what I had done so far with regards the clearing and to watch out for his daughter, as she may be tired.

As it happened, she came home early from an event that day, explaining how tired she felt and went to bed at 6pm. Something she would never normally do.

Since then, there have been many changes with her behaviour, to the point that everyone has noticed. She is more open and able to talk about things, far more than she ever was. She has also agreed to have tests for food allergy’s which she would just not do before.

She did have a turn of behaviour recently and was shouting, but this passed and afterwards she apologised, which again was something she wouldn’t have done before.

Mark is still not aware of any changes to his house even after I finished clearing geopathic stress and protecting against EMF’s, but he is very aware of the changes and improvement to his daughter. She is a different person and this has been since I did my clearing work.


How Home Healing affected this family

Karen was always aware of some sort of presence in the house. She felt it in the kitchen and the sitting room, but when she turned round there was nothing ever there! It made her feel a bit uncomfortable, but she never felt spooked if she was on her own in the house.

One of her teenage daughters also had an anger problem, which was something that came later on in life as she was not like that as a small child. Nothing obvious happened to trigger it, so was always a mystery. She had mentioned to Karen on occasion about having thoughts of bad things happening as well, like she didn’t always have her own thoughts.

Once I started the home energy clearing, Karen noticed changes straightaway. The first stage of clearing is psychic cleansing and I discovered that the daughter was carrying some very dark energy around with her which was the first thing I cleared. The presence that Karen felt in the house was the Grandma trying to protect the daughter from this dark energy, so once I had cleared the energy from the daughter, the Grandma was happy to leave. I warned Karen the day I did the clearing as I thought the daughter may feel tired. Strangely that afternoon, the daughter came home early from an event she was due to be at all day, saying she was very tired and needed to go to bed. This was something she would never have done before.

Since then, the daughter hasn’t mentioned any worries about strange thoughts again and seems a lot happier. There have been no more shouting matches from the daughter, or physical anger and she is becoming more of her own person.

Once I finished the remainder of the clearing, Karen has noticed everyone is happier in the house. She herself is happier to let things go a bit more and feels more relaxed.

Living on a site of village activity

Roz had just moved into a new house in a small village in Worcestershire. It was located in the centre of the village and was her dream home.

A mutual friend mentioned Into The Light’s services when Roz became aware of spirits in the house one evening during a full moon. She also felt strange energy in the house and thought that a clearing would be the solution.

Initial readings showed maximum geopathic stress, very high psychic stresses, 9 negative energy blocks and a vitality of only 8%. So there was definitely some work to be done.

The first stage of clearing looked at any psychic activity. This revealed a village scene with villagers coming to the site to worship, which may be why Roz saw them during a full moon as they could have been worshipped the moon. They were stuck in an old pattern but I was able to move them on quite happily. Also at this stage I had to clear Roz of some attached negative energy. I saw Roz’s spirit self dragging a ball and chain on her right leg, with a feeling of being stuck and inability to move forward. On reporting this to Roz, she explained she had felt awful that day right up until about 5pm (the time I had cleared her) with a feeling of being stuck, but now felt better!

I started on the next stage of clearing the negative energy blocks when Roz got in contact complaining of many ailments. She had swollen knuckle joints, sore elbow, stiff hip and knee, all on her right side. She was aware there was less activity in the house but felt there were hidden angers. To me it felt like some darker energy at work, so I checked in. This then revealed another earlier scene of a witch’s coven conducting worship at the site.  However, their worship was using dark magic which Roz was picking up. Once cleared I was able to carry on with clearing the negative energy blocks and things settled down for Roz.

A few days later as I was still working through the blocks, Roz got in touch saying that there wasn’t such a feeling of negative energy but funny things were happening such as on one day all items with batteries just stopped working! Also their mobile phones kept losing charge. This indicated to me a lot of spirit and discarnate activity being revealed as I cleared the blocks. They like to reside in the negative energy so when revealed can cause problems with energy items such as electrical devices. I could only keep going with the clearing and asked Roz to protect herself with crystals and spiritual energy.

As I progressed towards the end of the blocks, I checked in with Roz to see how she was. She said the house was feeling a lot calmer, both her and her partner had noticed the difference, but that things still disappeared and appeared again in unexplainable ways!

I finally cleared the blocks and subsequently cleared the geopathic stress. I then worked through protecting the house against EMF’s and other outside stresses. I discovered a high level of radon gas on the site which is usual for a site that has been dug or mined. Roz later confirmed the site had been dug for lime in the 1800’s and they were opposite the site of an old lime kiln.

The final challenge was to clear some more psychic energy which was 2 vortexes on the site. These weren’t revealed until the other clearing had taken place but would have been very draining, especially if located near a bed, or sitting area.

At last the house was clear and both Roz and her partner noticed the whole house had changed. They had both been feeling dragged down and inexplicably worn out. The phones kept their charge now and the clocks kept their time. It felt a very different space and much more positive.

Living on the site of an old Monastery

This was an interesting energy clearance because there was so much going on!

The property was detached and based in the grounds of an old monastery, which immediately raised alarm bells for me. Christine is very spiritual herself and had crystals and positive energy in the house, but was having issues with her daughter eating and sleeping, which was put down to being a teenager, but also found her husband was low on energy and mostly spent time watching TV sat on the sofa when at home.

The life force of the house was 11%, and there was dark psychic energy present. There were also 2 vortexes and a spirit path which was very draining on energy. There was also very high geopathic stresses including 12 negative energy blocks plus broken ley lines.

The first stage was to clear the psychic stresses. I discovered a rather horrific historic scene of about 6 monks chained in the wine cellar of the monastery. They were being starved to rid them of evil because of their sins. Most excepted their punishment apart from one who was very angry and possessed by the dark. He took careful moving on but eventually went, and I filled the space with light and positive energy. I thought this active spiritual energy might have caused the daughters lack of eating since living in the house, as it related to food.

Soon after clearing this, Christine reported back that her daughter was sleeping better, as well as her husband and son, who had also commented on what great sleeps they had had. She also said her daughter’s appetite was coming back. Her husband commented at the dinner table soon after; “you look so much better. No big bags under your eyes and it’s lovely to see you eating”. Her husband also started to clear and tidy the garden at the weekend which was unheard of!

I then started to work thought the negative energy blocks. Towards the end, Christine got in touch with me explaining she thought there was a spirit stuck in the house. She felt someone’s presence, seeing a figure in the door way of her bedroom, then standing over the bed. She thought once it was a child in her room, but there was no-one there. It was when the figure sat on her bed that she decided to call me! I had just cleared the last block and spirits can hide in these, so I wasn’t surprised. I conducted a general clearing, and the spirit went.

Christine has said the house feels very different, as do the family. It was really brought home to her when a friend came round for tea and a catch up soon after I had finished and said: ‘…your house feels really nice, I don’t know what it is, but it feels different’. Christine explained about the work I had done and the friend said: ‘you can really tell. There was just some sort of feeling before’.




Living on an excavated area

Charlotte is a mother of 2 girls aged 7 and 9, and they and her husband currently live in San Diego, California. She works in the spiritual world herself, giving one to one spiritual healing to clients.

As a result of Charlottes spiritual ability, the vitality reading in her house was 72% before I started work which is high. The house was already clear of psychic activity and Charlotte used lots of crystals around the house for protection.

The initial assessment showed there to be high geopathic stress and also high electromagnetic frequency stress. During clearing it also became apparent there was high radon gas pollution in the area. Charlotte confirmed that the housing development was built into the side of a mountain where it had been flattened. This was probably the cause of the radon gas. She also said how the whole street of inhabitants are often sick with common and recurring sicknesses, including severe allergies to the atmosphere, asthma and unshakeable colds. She had avoided sickness in her own house through the family using oils and remedies and through her conducting daily saging and cleansing.

When the final stages of clearing took place, Charlotte was away with her family on a road trip. The final stage took some time as the radon gas had to be cleared a little bit every day for quite a few days, so when she did return quite a lot had changed since she was last there.

Charlotte immediately noticed the difference. She says the house felt calmer and cleaner and somehow safer. The biggest reaction however was from the girls. The day after they got back the girls decided to completely rearrange their rooms. They moved furniture around, cleared out clothes, and stuff, and had a good tidy up. It was like they felt safer in their rooms and were making them exactly how they wanted.

Charlotte has found she is using remedies a lot less since the clearing and the house feels considerably cleansed now, so no longer needs to do this daily. She has also embarked on really clearing out the house of stuff and de-cluttering.