Entries by Emma Loveheart

Meeting the Biker Spirits

Quite often when I go away to somewhere new, spirits will find me to help release them. I have had situations finding spirits attached to a building or a place, and it’s not always obvious at first. Meeting the biker spirits was one of those NOT obvious situations. Once I realised they were there though, […]

Innocence of Spirituality

I had an interesting phone call from a lady who was concerned about her 11 year old daughter Maisie. Maisie had always seen spirits and had talked about what she saw as soon as she could talk. No-one else in the family was psychic but luckily for Maisie, her parents were not afraid and listened […]

Headaches and Bad Business after moving

Chris got in touch with me after searching on google for help with bad energy in the home. She had already had some feng shui carried out on the house, but the practitioner had noted there was some bad energy there which was spiritual and that she could not resolve. Five months after moving into […]

Doesn’t Feel like Home after 14 Years

Doesn’t feel like home after 14 years Annabelle came to me after hearing about the work I do from a friend of hers. She was very intrigued to see if I could make a difference having not known there was anything she could do in relation to the energy in her house. Her friend had […]

Clearing During an Emotional Separation

Clearing during an Emotional Separation Emma lived with her husband and 2 young children but had been unhappy in her marriage for some years. She had reached the point where she wanted to separate but there was a lot of anger from her husband, causing stress within the family. She asked me to do an […]

Clearing an Office that wouldn’t Rent

Clearing an office that wouldn’t rent. This was a fascinating project as there was so much going on. The building itself was a 2 floor office building taking up one corner or quarter of the total building space. The business client who contacted me used the ground floor for their business but was unable to […]

Clearing a House with Bad Luck

  Clearing a House with Bad Luck This client got in touch with me to look at their parents house. The parents had always experienced bad luck and because the client had had their own house cleared and felt the results, they asked if I could do anything with the parents house. On conducting an […]

Spiritual Get Together

Spiritual Get Together at West Usk Lighthouse   Wow – what an interesting day I had last week when I met with new like-minded people at an amazing venue on the Bristol Channel. We met at West Usk Lighthouse which is now a cosy bed and breakfast, but was built in 1821 by Scottish Lighthouse […]

Spirits Arriving after a Clearing

Spirits arriving after a House Clearing I was asked by a previous client to look at their house again some months after I had conducted a clearing. All had been well with the clearing despite there being a lot of stress in the house which the owner was well aware of, and clearing had restored […]

Working with Darker Influences

Working with Dark Influences   As I continue to clear and heal more homes, so does my spiritual learning continue. Sometimes this learning will go in phases and several clients will need the same work at the same time.  This has happened recently with about 6 clients needing the same healing. In this instance, healing […]